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Enhance Your Background LinkedIn Presence in 3 Steps

Unleash your professional story! Learn 3 easy steps to transform your dull LinkedIn background into a captivating visual that grabs attention and gets you noticed by recruiters & clients.

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Enhance Your Background
0 min(s)

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital storefront - it's the first impression you make on potential employers and collaborators. But are you maximizing its potential? A well-crafted background image can elevate your profile from ordinary to extraordinary. It sets the tone, showcases your personality, and visually communicates your brand. The good news? You don't need to be a design whiz to achieve this. In just 3 simple steps, you can transform your background into a powerful visual asset that makes you stand out from the crowd.strategies.

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Turn your LinkedIn background profile standout story

Your LinkedIn background image is prime real estate – it's the first thing visitors see when they land on your profile. It's a chance to go beyond words and visually showcase your interests, values, and aspirations. The right background can create a sense of authenticity and approachability, fostering trust and engagement with your connections.

But here's the catch: a mismatched or unprofessional background image can send the wrong message. It can detract from your credibility and make it harder to build a strong professional network. That's why choosing the perfect background image is crucial. Let's dive into how to select one that accurately reflects your unique brand and elevates your LinkedIn presence.

Background LinkedIn profile pic template

A well-chosen LinkedIn background image isn't just about aesthetics – it's about strategy. When it's curated to reflect your brand personality, it strengthens your message and resonates with potential viewers. This can lead to increased engagement with your content and ultimately, more connections.

So, how do you create a background that speaks volumes? PackPic, a user-friendly online photo editor, can be your secret weapon. Let's explore how PackPic helps you craft a compelling visual that makes your unique skills and accomplishments shine.

Explore features of PackPic for LinkedIn background profile

Want to make a lasting impression on potential employers and collaborators? Your LinkedIn profile background is a key element, and PackPic Online can be your secret weapon. This user-friendly online editor offers the perfect blend of ease and creativity to help you craft a professional and eye-catching background.

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  • Templates for the time-crunched
  • Short on time? PackPic Online's "Templates" section is your saving grace. These pre-designed layouts offer a variety of professional styles to jumpstart your creative process in seconds. Simply choose a template that resonates with your brand, replace the placeholder images and text with your own content, and voila – a captivating LinkedIn background is ready to impress!
  • PackPic doesn't stop at templates! They provide a vast library of free stock photos specifically curated for various professions and themes. These high-quality images can serve as your background foundation or add a touch of personalization when incorporated into a photo frame design.
  • Personalize creativity (text, stickers, shapes, effects)
  • If you're looking to inject some personality into your LinkedIn profile background, PackPic Online offers a vast selection of stunning stickers. These are neatly categorized into individual stickers and packs, catering to a range of preferences. Additionally, its extensive "Text" library boasts an array of distinctive font styles, perfect for accentuating crucial details such as skills, expertise, and qualifications on your profile background image, lending it a one-of-a-kind appeal. Moreover, you can utilize the "Shapes" feature to incorporate various branding elements into your LinkedIn background photo.
  • Resize and trim

PackPic Online provides a robust "Resize" function, swiftly adjusting the canvas or image to a range of predefined sizes, including the LinkedIn profile background image. Alternatively, you can input specific dimensions, such as 1584 pixels in width by 396 pixels in height, ensuring an ideal fit.

Conversely, the "Crop" tool adeptly eliminates undesired sections or refines the composition of your images in the banner, emphasizing the core message.

Design your dream LinkedIn background profile with PackPic

Creating a background for your LinkedIn profile picture is easy and cost-free with PackPic Online. Just follow these three straightforward steps for impactful results:

  1. Integrate your image
  2. Gone are the days of cumbersome sign-ups and labyrinthine menus. PackPic simplifies the process. Simply drag and drop your photo directly into the editing interface. Need added convenience? Effortlessly upload your image directly from cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox!
  3. *No credit card need
    integrate your image
  5. Step
  6. Unleash black background enchantment
  7. Say farewell to laborious selection tools! Harnessing the power of AI, PackPic steps in. It automatically scans your photo and discerns the main subject. With just a single tap on the "Background Removal" button, the distracting backdrop fades away, leaving your image pristine and poised to impress.
    unleash black background
  9. Step
  10. Cutomize your LinkedIn presence
  11. PackPic uses AI to automatically analyze your image and remove the background. This process typically happens very quickly. Once the background is removed, you can choose a new background color or image to replace it to custom it for your LinkedIn profile.
    cutomize your LinkedIn presence
  13. Step
  14. Export and distribute your masterpiece
  15. Eager to unveil your refined edit? Click "Export" to retrieve your flawlessly black-backgrounded image. With PackPic, you even have the freedom to select your preferred file format and resolution for maximum control. Sharing your background-free masterpiece has never been simpler!
    distribute your masterpiece

*No credit card need

How to select LinkedIn background profile image to optimize presence

Selecting the optimal LinkedIn profile background banner is crucial for effectively communicating your professional identity. Thus, let's explore some key pointers to aid you in making this decision.

  1. Ensure clarity and legibility: Your LinkedIn background image should harmonize with your profile content without detracting from essential information. Choose images with simple lines, minimal distractions, and subdued hues to prevent overshadowing your profile content. Moreover, assess the color contrast between your image and text to guarantee readability on your banner. For example, opt for pictures with blurred backgrounds or reduced opacity, paired with text in bright or dark colors.
  2. Take your audience into account: Customize your LinkedIn profile background photo to resonate with your intended audience, whether it's industry peers, potential employers, collaborators, or clients, aiming for a favorable impact. For instance, if you work as a marketing consultant, a photo depicting you leading a diverse team in a brainstorming session will underscore your collaborative nature and leadership prowess. Such an image will draw in clients seeking a dynamic and inclusive partner for their ventures.
  3. Enhance visual allure: Yet another critical factor to contemplate when designing your LinkedIn profile's background image is its visual allure. Utilize a high-resolution, clear photo that narrates a distinctive story and ignites curiosity among your audience. Consider employing an image with an engaging backdrop, featuring vibrant colors and dynamic composition, to captivate attention toward your profile.
  4. Alignment with personal brand: Your LinkedIn profile serves as an extension of your brand identity, necessitating that your background photo aligns with the image you aim to convey to your network and prospective employers or clients. Employ a photo incorporating elements that seamlessly match your personal brand, whether it's your logo, signature color, or pertinent shapes associated with your industry or profession.
  5. Highlight expertise and interests: Finally, opt for a background image that mirrors your areas of expertise or interests. This presents an opportunity to exhibit your skills and achievements without coming across as overly promotional. Choose a photo that depicts you actively engaged within your professional sphere, offering clear context for the focus of your profile.

Tactics for an impactful LinkedIn background profile

Crafting a compelling LinkedIn profile background requires implementing various essential tactics to ensure it captures attention and garners recognition from recruiters, prospective employers, and professional connections.

  1. Crafting an impactful headline and summary: When designing your LinkedIn profile background photo, employ a captivating headline to depict your current position or expertise. Incorporate pertinent industry-specific keywords to enhance your profile's visibility for search engines and recruiters. Ensure your summary succinctly and compellingly narrates your professional journey, avoiding a mere listing of experiences. Consider highlighting your career trajectory, key acquired skills, and distinctive attributes that distinguish you within your field.
  2. Spotlighting accomplishments and triumphs: Your LinkedIn profile background image should showcase your achievements, accolades, certifications, and honors, incorporating specific metrics or figures whenever feasible. This demonstrates the tangible impact you've made in past positions and substantiates your expertise. Additionally, utilize action verbs to articulate your accomplishments more dynamically and underscore outcomes rather than solely listing job duties. Consider integrating these elements into your tagline, such as "Certified Project Manager | Agile Advocate | PMP."
  3. Refreshing work experience and skills: Another crucial tactic for optimizing your LinkedIn background image is to consistently update your work experience to align with your most recent role and duties. Your profile should continuously reflect your current professional standing.


In this piece, we've delved into the significance of the LinkedIn profile background image in personal branding and professional networking, emphasizing the importance of selecting a suitable image. Additionally, we've examined how PackPic Online, with its user-friendly interface and robust capabilities, swiftly generates attention-grabbing LinkedIn background photos. Don't let this opportunity pass you by! Join PackPic Online today and effortlessly create impactful backdrop images for your LinkedIn profile, regardless of your graphic design experience.


1. How to create a LinkedIn profile background?

Creating a profile background for LinkedIn is simple with PackPic online. Begin by uploading your image, then input "1584px width and 396px height" in the "Custom Size" field, and click "Create." Next, choose a suitable preset from the "Templates" tab and swap its image with your own visuals. Alternatively, opt for the "Text" option, select your desired font style, and input your expertise, qualifications, or skills. Finally, utilize "Stickers" and "Shapes" to incorporate branding elements and personalize your profile background image.

2. What are the dimensions for the LinkedIn profile background image?

The optimal size for a LinkedIn background image is 1584px in width by 396px in height. It should maintain an aspect ratio of 4:1 and be in either JPG or PNG format, with a maximum file size of 8MB. However, for a company profile, the background photo/banner should be 1536px wide and 768px tall.

3. How do I generate LinkedIn profile background images at no cost?

To create a LinkedIn background image without incurring any fees or subscription charges, upload your image to PackPic online. Utilize the "Crop" feature to eliminate unnecessary elements and "Frames" to reshape it on the canvas. Then, access the "Text" option from the side menu to select a font style for highlighting information on the banner. Additionally, apply filters and effects to enhance the overall appeal of the picture.

4. What constitutes an effective background image for a LinkedIn profile?

An ideal background picture for a LinkedIn profile achieves a harmonious blend of professionalism and personal flair. Thus, it's crucial to steer clear of cluttered backgrounds or intricate patterns that might divert attention from your profile. Instead, opt for solid colors, understated textures, or professional environments such as offices or conferences. Additionally, consider subtly integrating elements that reflect your interests or hobbies into your LinkedIn background image.

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